Thursday, June 21, 2018

Out and About

Short Version:
It has been hot and windy with some days hotter than others and some days windier than others. I think we’re supposed to get a little rain this next week. We have still been busy maintaining the place and keeping things going. We did have a brother from Salt Lake visit us who is in charge of all mission vehicles. He only had 2 on his list out of the 10 we own. So I thought that was kind of interesting. He did say President Pace can order a new vehicle so that will be fun to see a new vehicle come in. I wish we could get a few new rovers. We have been band aided a few for a couple of years. We’ll see how long we can keep them running.

One of the benches broke on one of the picnic tables so the bench was down on one end and up on the other kind of like a ramp. I was looking out my window one day and saw some families having a picnic and there were 3 little boys perhaps between 3-5 years old. They would run up the ramp and back down or jump off the end and were having such a wonderful time. My thoughts turned to the pioneer children and how they came through here in 1856. They did not get to run and play. One of my favorite stories is about Peter McBride and how he was given a bone of an ox to eat. He skinned it and cooked it on the fire. Then 2 older boys came and took it from him. He then picked up the skin, cooked it and ate it.  As he tells the story in his journal it seems as though he holds no ill feelings towards those boy. I have been mad at them ever since I have first heard the story. But as I learn more of their dire circumstance I can see how they were starving and they were just being boys. One of the things I’m trying to gain better understanding of while on my mission is forgiveness and how I can be a better person and forgive others more readily and not hold a grudge and be more Christ like. We can learn so much from our pioneer history. I am thankful for those that kept a journal and I am going to try and do better myself. I love and miss you all. You’re continually in my thoughts and prayers.
Elder Sigmon

Longer Version:
We have been surrounded by so much nature and new life. There is one deer and we seem to keep crossing paths and surprising each other. I still have not been able to get a picture of it because it is always as I am going to or from the office trying to take care of something. I round a corner or come to the side walk or gravel and then suddenly there we are just feet away from each other, just looking at each other in surprise, and then off it goes. So of course no picture.

There is also a tree right by Elder Sigmon’s office with a cool little hole in it. Inside is a nest of 3 little birds. Every day you could hear them chirping and as they were getting bigger they would stick their heads out to see if we were bringing them any food. A few days ago Elder Sigmon said they look big enough to fly away. Sure enough the next day the hole was dark and quiet. They were gone. It sure isn’t any fun to walk by the tree. It actually is a little disappointing.
Oh and the antelope babies are being born. Funny story…Elder Sigmon and I had to go out to the Cherry Creek campground for something and while we were driving in the rover I saw in the sagebrush the smallest baby antelope. It couldn’t have been more than 2 days old. Elder Sigmon backed up so I could try and take a picture BUT it jumped up and ran off to mom. The next morning in correlation Elder Sigmon had Elder Lewis tell a funny story that had happened to him while he was out doing mosquito fogging. It goes like this: I was out in my rover with the headlights on so I could see where I was going and all of sudden something jumped up from the sagebrush and was scrambling around. I couldn’t tell if it was coyote or what. Then then next thing I know it jumped into the cab with me. Then it manages to jump out and we both sat there with their hearts pounding a hundred miles a minute and I finally figured out it was a baby antelope.

I know it was the same one we had seen earlier that same day because it was in the same area we had seen it. It was hilarious. With it being dark and headlights shining in its eyes I’m sure it had no idea what to do.

Here is a photo of a much older baby we saw nursing as we drove into Missionary Village for Family Home Evening. Of course by the time I could get my phone out it isn’t nursing any more but is checking us out.
With the FM responsibilities we never know day to day what might come up which wasn’t anticipated. It always makes it more interesting and sometimes exciting. We have speakers located at different locations on the trail for the treks to stop and tell a story or where their leader may talk to them. We were having problems with one of them and so Elder Bowden brought it in so Elder Sigmon could look at it and figure out what the problem was. I had to take a picture because it reminds me of many items I have had in my house over the years…the least of which was a transmission in my kitchen. I do have to say we were in the middle of remodeling so there was not any finished flooring down just the sheeting. I never know what I will see laying around. Good memories. I guess I should also mention he was able to figure out what was wrong and got it working again.
On this day there was a lot of activity going on. People were coming from all directions. Some were coming back to the trek center after a day of trekking.
Others were coming to start their trekking experience as they unloaded from their vehicles or buses and came to outfitting.
Yes Elder Sigmon was right and we did have some rain this week. We had a trek this last Wednesday with a great ward from Arizona. There were 60 in our group and we really enjoyed spending the day with them. We had the best weather. The few days before there were a few thunderstorms which appeared for a little bit. Luckily our day ended up with no thunderstorms but we did have some clouds and intermittent sun. Perfect trekking weather.

Our last preparation day ended up being the day before Father’s Day. We went with some other couples to Texas Roadhouse to celebrate. The company was good and the so was the food.
Front to Back: Meadows, Calls, Gortons and Us

Elder Sigmon also got a nice tie tack for Father’s Day.
Today I was working on 2019 trek schedules and I was getting frustrated going from screen to screen. I’m so used to having dual monitors. Sister Bowden has them on her desk but the desk I was working on doesn’t. I went home and got my lap top and with Elder Bowden’s help was able to have dual monitors. I was in business! I was able to be quite productive today.
We have been busy but we are definitely happy and doing well. Serving here in Wyoming has been very rewarding and we have seen many blessings. There are many days of laughter, smiles, hugs, tears, feeling the spirit, hard work, sore body parts, etc. If you have been trying to figure out what to do when you have retired may I suggest service. It is the best! Hope you are all doing well.
Elder & Sister Sigmon

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